
Welcome To

Progression at Network-N 🎉

This is where we keep the progression frameworks we use across Network N.

This is a single place where all our current and future employees can see the skills, knowledge and behaviours that we value here.

Applied skills, knowledge and behaviours are known as competencies. We have chosen competencies that both map to our core values and that will be essential in our future world domination 🚀

Aside from our core competencies we think everyone should be striving to demonstrate, you will also have a framework for your functional area which outlines the specific knowledge or technical skills you need in your profession 🛠

The main aim is to provide clarity on expectations and transparency for our employees on how they can progress here. It can help in identifying areas of improvement and also help managers have better progression conversations with their teams. It can also help in our talent processes to guide us in designing jobs and identifying the right people for us.

It isn’t a step-by-step guide and it isn’t exhaustive. See this more as a compass🧭

These frameworks will evolve over time and will always be a work in progress 🏗

Values ⭐️

Our values represent us and form the basis of our strategy. They also form the basis of our competency framework which sets out progression routes, and provide clarity around what applied behaviours and skills you need to demonstrate to be successful here.

We work fast 🏃‍♀️

We make prompt and clear decisions, and we take responsibility and ownership for the actions we take. We learn new things quickly too so we can grow quicker.

We’re always growing 📈

Gaming and our industry is always changing, so we make sure we grow with it. We produce new ideas, approaches, and insights to what we do, and work to achieve the organisation’s goals as we go.

We’re accurate ⌚

We plan and stick to that plan. We like to be as meticulously organised as possible, but we remain adaptable to evolving situations. We deliver to our customers what we say we are going to deliver.

We’re international 🌎

As we continue to grow, we push borders and boundaries into new situations and experiences. Collaborative working is something we encourage. Understanding and embracing differences is vital.

We’re nerdy as hell 🤓

Each member of the business has a wealth of knowledge and experience in what they do. We encourage passion and nerdiness in all forms, and the sharing of that knowledge, whether that be your incredible expertise using code, communication, Asana nerdiness, or your unrivalled knowledge of Warhammer.